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Main Ports of Mexico

The Secretariat of communications and Transportation is a government body that promotes communications and transportation and encourages policies in such areas as stability, economic growth, integration, development and foreign trade.

The General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine is under the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT). The main functions of its General Direction of Port Administration and Development (DGFAP), according to Article 31 of the SCT Regulations (published in the official journal on 8 January 2009) include: direct planning, programming and evaluation of actions for the promotion and integrated development of the national port system, in line with the policies and guidelines set out in the National Development Plan and in Sectorial programs.

The Integrated Port Administrations were created as provided in the National Development Plan 1989-1994 to assume responsibility over the administration of port premises.

Along its 11,500 Km of coastlines, México has 117 functional ports and terminals. Sixty-seven percent of the cargo moved is concentrated in 16 commercial ports (APIS).

Federal Integrated Port Administrations

State-Owned Integrated Port Administrations

Integrated Port Administrations FONATUR

Private Integrated Port Administrations



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